A couple photographs Vanka's Mural "Croatian Mothers Give Their Sons to War"

Private Tours

Discover this unique site at the intersection of history, art, and social justice on a private tour, and gain a better understanding of the rise and role of Pittsburgh and its people in American history. Plan a trip to see the murals of Maxo Vanka at St. Nicholas Catholic Church with your class, club, congregation, family, or company. An outing to the murals provides opportunities for art lovers and history enthusiasts alike.


Private tours may be arranged with advance notice. Please complete the form below. We require a minimum admission fee of $120 or 8 guests, and $15 for each additional guest. When possible, private tours for smaller groups may be accommodated by combining them with other tours.

Try to schedule your private tour at least one week in advance. We will do our best to accommodate all requests.

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Please fill in all required* fields. 

Shrines of Pittsburgh

Shrines of Pittsburgh

In 2019, St. Nicholas was named as one of the Shrines of Pittsburgh.

The Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Maxo Vanka is an independent and registered 501 (c)(3) organization founded to save and share the Vanka Murals. Contributions are fully tax deductible.
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