We are grateful for the support of thousands of visitors and contributors helping us to save and share the Vanka Murals.
We are grateful for the support of thousands of visitors and contributors helping us to save and share the Vanka Murals.
Individuals helping to match the Save America’s Treasure grant and support transformative investments in the future of the Vanka Murals with gifts of $1,000 and more exclusive of special events.
Julia Bubanovich
Christie Clayton & Michael Burkitt
Joseph Goode, Jr.
Marya & John Halderman
Janet Kaiser
Virginia Mance & Robert Roth
Mary McDonough
Melissa McSwigan & Robert Raczka
Mary Ivy Noone
Jennifer Novotny Mulrooney & Jeffrey Mulrooney
Ronald Poropatich
Marcus Rediker
Julia Royall
Barb Spelic
Anonymous (1)
Arts, Equity & Education Fund
Jack F. Buncher Foundation
The Burke Family
Croatian Fraternal Union
Falk Family Fund
Grable Foundation
Heinz Endowments
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
McSwigan Family Foundation of the Pittsburgh Foundation
Opportunity Fund
Pitcairn-Crabbe Charitable Foundation
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Rivers of Steel Heritage Area
John & Helen Timo Foundation
Seldon & Susan Whitaker Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation
Citizens for the Arts in PA
Institute for Museum & Library Services
(Save America’s Treasures Grant)
Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission
Exelon Foundation
as of 3/2024